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Auto Accidents

11Average Automobile Accident

Average Automobile Accident Settlements

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be wondering how much the average auto accident settlement is. At our law firm, we understand the difficulties associated with an auto accident and vow to fight for you...
11Catastrophic Injury

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

Catastrophic injuries can be devastating and life-altering for those who suffer from them. These types of injuries are defined as physical injuries or illnesses that are extremely serious and have a debilitating effect on the victim, requiring considerable medical treatment....
11Settlement for Drunk Driving Accident

What Is the Average Settlement for Drunk Driving Accident

Drunk driving accidents are tragic and preventable incidents that result from individuals operating vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances. These accidents pose severe risks to the safety of everyone on the road, often leading to...
11Drunk and Distracted driving

Drunk and Distracted driving: The leading causes of traffic deaths in 2023

Drunk and distracted driving is a serious hazard facing drivers today. It can involve anything from shifting your eyes off the road to accessing your phone or being drunk while driving. When something distracts us, it takes our focus away...
11Night Driving

Night Driving Safety Tips to Avoid Accidents and Stay Safe

Driving at night is often more dangerous than during the day due to decreased visibility and other factors that can make it hard to drive safely. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatal accidents are three times...
11Vestibular Injury

Vestibular Injury after Auto Accident

Feeling a little queasy and uncomfortable after an automobile collision is common. A car accident is traumatizing to the body and the brain, after all. You are more likely to sustain vestibular injury if you have a whiplash diagnosis. The...
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