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Workers’ Compensation

11How Long Does Workers’ Comp Last?

How Long Does Workers’ Comp Last?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that helps workers who get hurt or sick because of their job. It helps them with things like medical bills and lost wages. But, how long workers’ comp lasts? Workers’ comp typically lasts...
11When Does Workers’ Compensation Start Paying?

When Does Workers’ Compensation Start Paying?

Workers’ compensation starts paying after a certain number of days. Usually, it begins paying after around seven days of not being able to work due to an injury or illness you got while doing your job. So, if you’re hurt...
11What Does a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Do?

What Does a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Do?

A good workers’ comp lawyer can help people hurt at work get all the money they should. The lawyers at Phillips Law Offices also make sure injured workers get the right medical help fast. We make sure these people get...
11Understanding what is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) In Workers Comp

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) In Workers Comp

Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) is a term used in workers’ compensation to show that a person’s health has reached the best it can be after treatment. It means their condition isn’t expected to get better. In workers’ compensation, knowing when...
11Understanding Illinois Workers’ Compensation Laws?

What Are the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Laws?

In Illinois, there are special rules called “workers’ compensation laws” that help protect workers when they get hurt or sick because of their job. These laws make sure that workers who are injured on the job get proper medical care...
11Person in the image asking will I get a settlement if I injured at work

I Got Hurt at Work: Will I Get a Settlement?

If you got hurt while working, you might be thinking if you’ll receive compensation, which is called a settlement. When someone gets injured on the job, there are laws and rules in place to protect them and ensure they’re taken...
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