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What You Should Know About Car Accident Laws in Illinois

Chicago Car Accident Attorneys Helping Victims Seek Justice

Illinois accident laws give injured people and their families the right to receive compensation for injuries suffered as the result of the negligence or intentional wrongdoing of another party.  If you or a family member suffers injury in an accident, you should consult an Illinois car accident law firm for help in determining what type of compensation you may be entitled to recover.

Types of personal injury

Chicago’s personal injury victims can pursue many types of injury cases in the courts.  Illinois accident law firms are generally experienced in the following types of cases:

Chicago’s personal injury victims can pursue many types of injury cases in the courts.  Illinois accident law firms are generally experienced in the following types of cases:

The types of damages that can be recovered vary according to the specific circumstances of each case. Certain types of severe injuries, like those affecting the spine, may be affected by outside factors.

Types of damages

Most damages that can be recovered in a personal injury case are referred to as compensatory damages.  These are designed to compensate the victim for injuries suffered and include the following:

  • Current and future medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

Unlike compensatory damages, punitive damages are designed to punish the person who committed a harmful or malicious act and deter future improper conduct.  Punitive damages are less likely than compensatory damages to be awarded in a personal injury case, but courts do award them under some circumstances.

When you are injured, it is crucial to consult an experienced Illinois accident lawyer as soon as possible.  Illinois accident law includes statutes of limitations dictating how long you have to file your case after an incident has occurred.  Also, if you wait too long, evidence can be lost over time. Our Chicago accident attorneys have the knowledge and experience to understand what types of damages you may be able to recover based on the circumstances of your case.  If you or a family member has been injured, you should contact an attorney right away for help in recovering damages.

Speak with an Illinois accident attorney who can help

The sooner you enlist the help of an attorney, the better the chance you have of receiving the compensation you deserve. At Phillips Law Offices we offer quality and comprehensive legal services to the injured and their families throughout Illinois.  Call our Chicago-based firm by phone at (312) 346-4262 or contact us online today for a free consultation with one of our attorneys about your case.

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