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What To Do after a Semi Truck and Pedestrian Car Accident?

Even though commercial truck drivers must complete extensive training and certification procedures in order to receive their licenses, road accidents nevertheless present a serious risk to other people. Due to semi-trucks’ enormous weight, which may reach 80,000 pounds or more within permitted bounds, crashes can cause serious injuries or even fatalities. The National Safety Council reports that 5,788 fatalities from big truck incidents occurred in 2021.

These events caused by semi trucks are especially concerning because it’s not always the case that the people most at risk in them are car occupants. Particularly, truck and pedestrian accidents frequently have disastrous results. Collisions between commercial vehicles and people are extremely dangerous due to their sheer size and weight.

Following a semi truck accident, there may be a number of severe consequences, such as high medical costs, lost wages, and long-term physical and psychological pain for the injured parties. Addressing the fallout from such situations becomes imperative in terms of holding the responsible party accountable.

It is crucial to speak with a knowledgeable personal injury law firm if you or someone you know has been hurt in a trucking accident. These experts may be of immeasurable help in managing the legal complications involved in these kinds of situations, guaranteeing that victims obtain the compensation they are entitled to, including costs for medical care, lost wages, and the overall impact on their well-being.

What Factors Contribute to Accidents Involving Trucks and Pedestrians?

Truck and pedestrian accidents can occur for various reasons, often involving a combination of factors. Understanding these causes can help in developing strategies to prevent such accidents. Some common causes include:

Driver Error

Distracted Driving: Both truck drivers and pedestrians may be distracted by activities such as using mobile phones, adjusting the radio, or engaging in other tasks while on the road.

Driver Fatigue: Extended hours on the road can lead to fatigue, impairing the reaction times and decision-making abilities of drivers.

Impaired Driving

Impaired driving, from alcohol or drugs, significantly raises accident risks for truck drivers and pedestrians by compromising cognitive functions and reaction times. Legal consequences involve fines, license suspension, and imprisonment, impacting both personal and professional aspects. Effective preventive measures, such as educational campaigns and strict law enforcement, are essential to curb impaired driving and improve road safety.


Excessive speeding not only violates traffic laws but also compromises road safety by reducing reaction time, limiting visibility, and escalating the severity of accidents. Higher speeds increase the risk of losing control, and legal consequences, such as fines and license points, accompany speeding violations. Addressing this issue necessitates a collective effort involving enforcement, education, and public awareness to promote responsible driving and mitigate the risks associated with speeding.

Poor Visibility

poor visibility

Poor visibility, stemming from inadequate street lighting or poorly lit areas, poses a significant risk of accidents, particularly during nighttime. Trucks, with their large blind spots, face challenges in detecting pedestrians who may be obscured in the darkness. This heightened potential for collisions emphasizes the importance of improved lighting infrastructure and heightened awareness among both drivers and pedestrians. Enhancing visibility in these conditions is crucial for minimizing accidents and ensuring safer road environments.

Weather Conditions

Adverse weather conditions pose a significant threat to road safety, diminishing visibility and creating slippery surfaces that heighten the risk of accidents. Reduced visibility impairs a driver’s ability to anticipate and respond to hazards, while slippery surfaces contribute to difficulties in maintaining control. Rain, snow, fog, or icy conditions demand heightened caution and adapted driving behavior to mitigate the increased dangers associated with adverse weather. Drivers must exercise prudence, reduce speed, and allow for extended braking distances to ensure safety during challenging weather conditions.

Road Conditions

Potholes, uneven surfaces, and poorly maintained roads present significant hazards for both truck drivers and pedestrians. These road conditions can lead to accidents, vehicle damage, and increased wear and tear on trucks. For pedestrians, the risks include tripping, falling, or encountering difficulty navigating sidewalks and crosswalks. The overall safety of road users is compromised when infrastructure is neglected, emphasizing the need for regular maintenance and repairs to ensure smooth and safe transportation for both drivers and pedestrians.

Traffic Violations

Disregarding traffic signals and signs poses a significant risk of collisions at intersections. Failing to adhere to these regulations undermines the order and safety of roadways, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Improper turns, especially when pedestrians are crossing, further heighten the danger. The importance of following traffic rules is evident in preventing accidents at intersections and ensuring the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.

Inadequate Infrastructure

Insufficient pedestrian infrastructure plays a significant role in contributing to accidents involving pedestrians and trucks. The lack of proper crosswalks, sidewalks, and pedestrian signals can lead to unsafe interactions between pedestrians and large trucks. Inadequate infrastructure increases the risk of accidents, as pedestrians may face challenges in navigating shared spaces with trucks, especially at intersections. Addressing this issue requires improvements in pedestrian infrastructure to enhance safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents involving pedestrians and trucks.

Vehicle Maintenance Issues

Poorly maintained trucks pose a significant risk on the roads, as they may experience brake failures or other mechanical issues that can result in accidents. Inadequate maintenance compromises the vehicle’s overall safety, increasing the likelihood of critical failures at crucial moments. Brake malfunctions, in particular, can lead to serious accidents, endangering not only the truck driver but also other road users. Regular and thorough maintenance is essential to mitigate these risks, ensuring that trucks remain in optimal working condition and contribute to overall road safety.

Pedestrian Behavior

Pedestrians crossing streets outside designated crosswalks and disregarding traffic signals or signs pose a heightened risk of collisions. Straying from designated crossing areas can catch drivers off guard, leading to unpredictable interactions on the road. When pedestrians fail to adhere to traffic signals and signs, the potential for accidents increases significantly. To enhance road safety, it is crucial for pedestrians to use designated crosswalks and follow traffic regulations diligently, ensuring smoother interactions between pedestrians and drivers and reducing the likelihood of accidents.

Driver Training and Experience

Inexperienced truck drivers may struggle with handling complex traffic situations due to a lack of essential skills. Adequate training is crucial to equip them with the necessary expertise and decision-making abilities. Ongoing education and mentorship programs are vital for enhancing their capabilities and ensuring safer roads for all.

Distractions and Conditions Specific to Trucks

Cargo Shifts: Improperly secured cargo can shift during transit, affecting the balance of the truck.

Size and Weight: The sheer size and weight of trucks can make stopping quickly or maneuvering challenging.

Preventing truck and pedestrian accidents requires a combination of education, enforcement, infrastructure improvements, and responsible behavior from both drivers and pedestrians. Efforts to address these causes can contribute to safer road environments for everyone.

Common Injuries faced in Semi Truck and Pedestrian Car Accident
common injuries

Injuries to Pedestrians

  • Sprains and Strains: The force of impact in a truck-pedestrian accident can cause damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons, leading to sprains and strains.
  • Broken Bones: Pedestrians are at risk of fractures in various parts of their bodies, such as arms, legs, or the pelvis, depending on the nature of the collision.
    Head Injuries:
  • Concussions: When a pedestrian’s head strikes the ground or the vehicle, it can result in concussions or other traumatic brain injuries, ranging from mild to severe.
    Internal Injuries:
  • Organ Damage: The impact can cause internal organs to be damaged, leading to internal bleeding or other complications that may not be immediately apparent.
  • Cuts and Abrasions: Pedestrians may suffer cuts and abrasions if they come into contact with the vehicle’s surfaces or other objects during the collision.
  • Back and Neck Injuries: The abrupt stop or impact can cause the pedestrian’s head to jerk forward and backward, resulting in whiplash injuries to the neck and spine.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Witnessing or being involved in a traumatic accident can have long-lasting psychological effects, impacting the individual’s mental health and well-being.
  • Whiplash: Occupants in a semi-truck may experience whiplash injuries due to the sudden deceleration or impact, leading to strain on the neck.
  • Rib Fractures: The chest area is vulnerable to fractures, and occupants may also experience abdominal injuries due to the impact against the vehicle’s interior.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Serious accidents can result in traumatic brain injuries, affecting cognitive function, memory, and other neurological processes.
  • Crush Injuries: If the truck is deformed significantly during the collision, occupants may suffer crush injuries, potentially affecting multiple body systems.

In both cases, the severity of injuries can vary widely, and immediate medical attention is crucial. The rehabilitation process may involve physical therapy, counseling, and ongoing medical care. Prevention efforts, such as improving road safety infrastructure, promoting safe driving practices, and raising pedestrian awareness, play a key role in reducing the occurrence of these accidents and mitigating their impact.

Also Read: What should you do in case of a rental car accident?

What Should you Do in case of an Accident

Ensuring safety and promptly calling for help are crucial steps in the aftermath of any accident. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the recommended actions:

Move to a Safe Location if Possible

In the event of an issue or accident, swift action is crucial for ensuring safety on the road. Activate your vehicle’s hazard lights without delay to alert other drivers, signaling a potential problem. Simultaneously, if conditions permit, encourage everyone involved, including pedestrians and fellow drivers, to move away from the immediate danger zone. This prompt response aims to minimize the risk of further injuries or damage, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts to ensure the well-being of all parties involved.

Call Emergency Services

In the event of an accident, promptly use your phone to dial 911 or the local emergency number. If you or others are unable to make the call, seek assistance from nearby bystanders or drivers. When contacting emergency services, clearly articulate your location, offering specific details such as street names or landmarks to expedite the response. Report any injuries sustained by individuals involved in the accident, providing comprehensive information about their condition. If medical assistance is required, make the dispatcher aware. Maintaining a calm demeanor is crucial during this process, as emergency responders will guide you through the next steps and may provide instructions on administering first aid if necessary. Accurate information about the accident’s location and the nature of injuries ensures a swift and effective emergency response.

Exchange Information

Following an accident, it is crucial to exchange essential information with other involved parties. This includes names, phone numbers, addresses, and insurance details, such as company names and policy numbers. Additionally, gather vehicle information, including make, model, and license plate numbers. If there are witnesses, obtain their contact information. Document the date, time, and location of the accident, along with relevant details like weather conditions. Taking photographs of the scene and vehicle damage can provide valuable evidence. This comprehensive exchange of information lays the groundwork for a smoother claims process and helps in determining responsibility accurately. Approach the exchange calmly and cooperatively to ensure a cooperative resolution.

Do Not Admit Fault

Refrain from admitting fault or making statements that could be construed as an admission of guilt. Leave the determination of fault to law enforcement and insurance professionals.
Following these steps can contribute to a more efficient and organized response to the accident, facilitating the well-being of everyone involved and assisting in the subsequent investigation and insurance processes.

Assess Injuries and Provide First Aid

  • Assess the immediate environment for potential hazards like oncoming traffic or fire.
  •  Ensure a secure scene before proceeding to assess injuries.
  • Approach individuals involved and check for responsiveness through gentle taps or verbal communication.
    If unresponsive, initiate CPR if trained.
  • Check the breathing of individuals, and if unresponsive with irregular breathing, consider CPR.
  • Ensure a clear airway for those having difficulty breathing.
  • Look for visible signs of injuries, such as bleeding, bruising, or deformities.
  • Note the severity of injuries for communication with emergency responders.
  • Control bleeding by applying direct pressure and elevating injured limbs if possible.
  • Stabilize fractures cautiously, minimizing unnecessary movement.
  • Help individuals exhibiting shock symptoms lie down, keep them warm, and elevate their legs slightly unless it worsens other injuries.
  • If trained, administer rescue breaths or CPR as necessary for those having difficulty breathing.
  • Offer comfort and reassurance to individuals in distress, encouraging them to remain still.
  • Assess the need for movement, especially if there is an immediate danger or risk of further injury at the scene.
  • Minimize disturbance around the head, neck, and spine to reduce the risk of exacerbating potential spinal injuries.
  • Act within the scope of your training and wait for professional medical help if uncertain.
    Prioritize the safety and well-being of everyone involved and follow the guidance of emergency responders.
  • Exchange full names, addresses, and phone numbers with all parties involved in the accident, including drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.
  • Exchange insurance details, including the name of the insurance company, policy number, and contact information. This information is crucial for filing insurance claims.
  • Collect names and contact information from any witnesses who may have observed the accident. This information can be valuable for insurance purposes and potential legal proceedings.
  • Ask witnesses to provide statements regarding what they saw. Encourage them to include details about the sequence of events, the actions of those involved, and any other relevant observations.
  • Capture images of the positions of all vehicles involved in the accident. Include wide-angle shots to provide context.
  • Take close-up photos of the damage sustained by each vehicle. Document the extent of the damage from various angles.
  • Photograph any skid marks, debris, or relevant road conditions that may have contributed to the accident. These details can be essential for accident reconstruction.
  • Document the current weather conditions at the scene, including factors such as rain, snow, fog, or clear skies.
  • Note the visibility conditions, including any factors that might affect visibility, such as low light or glare.
  • Document the presence and status of traffic signs, signals, and markings near the accident scene. This information helps establish the traffic conditions at the time of the incident.

Remain calm and composed while exchanging information and documenting the scene.
If you have a smartphone or camera, use it to capture images. If not, consider using the camera function on your phone.
If law enforcement is on the scene, cooperate with their requests and provide information as required.
Avoid admitting fault or making statements that may be construed as an admission of guilt.
By gathering comprehensive information and documenting the scene, you contribute to a clearer understanding of the accident for insurance purposes and potential legal proceedings. This information may prove invaluable in determining liability and facilitating the claims process.

Also Read : A guide to being prepared for accidents

Cooperate with Law Enforcement

Cooperating with law enforcement following an accident is crucial for ensuring a thorough and accurate resolution of the incident. Law enforcement officers conduct thorough investigations to determine the cause and parties at fault in an accident. Cooperation from all involved parties provides essential information for a comprehensive understanding of the incident.

Provide Accurate Information to Responding Officers:

Cooperate fully with law enforcement officers and provide accurate and truthful information about the accident. This includes details about the sequence of events, your actions, and any observations you made.

Refrain from admitting fault or making assumptions about the cause of the accident. Stick to providing factual information and let the investigating officers determine the circumstances.

Request a copy of the police report or note down the incident number. This report will contain official details about the accident and can be crucial for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Notify Your Insurance Company:

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the accident. Provide a detailed account of the incident, including the date, time, location, and a description of the events.
Follow Their Instructions for Claims Processing. Follow the instructions provided by your insurance company for filing a claim. This may include submitting documentation, such as photos, witness statements, and the police report.

Seek Medical Attention

Visit a healthcare professional promptly, even if injuries seem minor. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and a thorough examination can identify and address potential issues.

Keep detailed records of injuries sustained in the accident and the treatment received. This includes medical reports, diagnoses, and any prescribed medications.

Maintain a record of all medical expenses related to the accident. This includes bills, prescription costs, and receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses.

Additional Tips

Act promptly in notifying law enforcement, your insurance company, and seeking medical attention. Timeliness can be crucial in the claims process and for addressing health issues.

Cooperate with insurance adjusters during their investigation. Provide them with the necessary information and documentation to facilitate the claims process.

Familiarize yourself with your insurance coverage, including deductibles and policy limits. This knowledge will help you navigate the claims process more effectively.

Consider Legal Advice

If you have concerns about liability or face challenges in the claims process, consider seeking legal advice from an attorney experienced in personal injury or traffic law.
By cooperating with law enforcement, notifying your insurance company promptly, and seeking medical attention, you contribute to a smoother resolution of the situation, ensuring your well-being and addressing the necessary administrative and legal aspects of the accident.

Consult the Legal Experts
consult with legal experts

Consider Consulting with an Attorney, Especially if Injuries Are Involved:

  • If the accident involves injuries or significant property damage, consider consulting with a personal injury attorney. Legal advice can be particularly valuable in complex situations.
  • Look for an attorney experienced in personal injury law who can provide guidance specific to your situation. Recommendations from trusted sources or legal associations can help in selecting the right professional.
  • Schedule a consultation with an attorney to discuss the details of the accident and your situation. During this meeting, you can gain an understanding of your rights, potential liabilities, and the legal options available to you.
  • Obtain clarity on your responsibilities and obligations throughout the legal process. This may include filing insurance claims, negotiating with insurance companies, or pursuing legal action if necessary.
  • Gather and organize all documentation related to the accident. This may include police reports, medical records, photographs, witness statements, and communication with insurance companies.
  • Ensure the preservation of any physical evidence related to the accident. This might include damaged property, vehicle parts, or other items that may be relevant to your case.
  • Keep records of any communication with other parties involved, insurance companies, and law enforcement. This includes emails, letters, and notes from conversations.
  • Seek legal advice in a timely manner, especially if there are deadlines for filing insurance claims or initiating legal proceedings. Delays may impact your ability to pursue certain actions.
  • Be open and honest with your attorney about all details related to the accident. Transparency is crucial for them to provide accurate advice and representation.
  • Discuss the attorney’s fee structure during the initial consultation. Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case.
  • If you decide to hire an attorney, carefully review and understand any legal agreements before signing. Clarify expectations, responsibilities, and fees to avoid misunderstandings later.

Consulting with a legal professional can help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, especially when injuries are involved in an accident. Understanding your rights, responsibilities, and potential legal avenues is essential for making informed decisions and protecting your interests.

Follow Up on Repairs and Insurance Claims

By actively coordinating with your insurance company and maintaining thorough documentation of the repair process, you contribute to a smoother resolution of the claims process. This ensures that your vehicle is repaired appropriately and that you have a clear record of expenses and communications for your records.

Initiate the Claim Process:

Contact your insurance company to initiate the claims process for vehicle repairs. Provide them with all necessary information, including details about the accident, the extent of damage, and any documentation you’ve collected.

Coordinate with an Adjuster:

Work closely with the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim. Schedule an inspection of your vehicle to assess the damage and determine the necessary repairs.

Choose a Repair Shop:

If your insurance policy allows for it, choose a reputable repair shop to perform the necessary repairs. Some insurance companies may have preferred repair providers, but you generally have the right to choose where your vehicle is repaired.

Authorize Repairs:

  • Once the assessment is complete, authorize the repair shop to proceed with the necessary repairs. Your insurance company and the repair shop will work together to settle the costs.
  • Maintain copies of all repair invoices provided by the repair shop. These documents should detail the services performed, parts replaced, and associated costs.
  • Review repair estimates carefully and ensure they align with the agreed-upon scope of work. Discuss any discrepancies or concerns with both the repair shop and your insurance company.
  • Keep a record of any out-of-pocket expenses related to the repairs. This may include deductibles, rental car expenses, or any additional costs not covered by insurance.
  • Confirm with the repair shop that all agreed-upon repairs have been completed satisfactorily before accepting your vehicle. This ensures that your vehicle is safe and in proper working condition.
  • Stay in regular communication with your insurance company throughout the repair process. Notify them of any changes or unexpected issues that arise during the repairs.
  • Familiarize yourself with the coverage provided by your insurance policy, including deductibles and limitations. This knowledge will help you navigate the claims process more effectively.
  • Keep all documentation related to the repair process, including emails, communication logs, and any additional information exchanged between you, the insurance company, and the repair shop.

If you encounter any challenges or issues with the repair process or the insurance claim, address them promptly. Communicate concerns with both the repair shop and your insurance company to seek resolution.

Also Read : Phrases you should never say after a car accident

Navigating the Distress with Phillips Law Offices

In the wake of a semi-truck and pedestrian car collision, Philips Law Offices is here to provide support and guidance. Our latest blog post presents a comprehensive guide outlining crucial steps to take after such an unfortunate incident. From ensuring immediate safety and assessing injuries to cooperating with law enforcement, notifying your insurance company, seeking medical attention, and consulting legal advice – our guide walks you through the essential actions to facilitate a smoother recovery process. We also delve into the practical aspects of following up on repairs and insurance claims, emphasizing the importance of coordinating with your insurance company and keeping track of repair invoices and related expenses. Additionally, we address the emotional impact of accidents and provide insights on seeking support from friends, family, or counseling services. At Philips Law Offices, we believe that informed decisions pave the way for a more resilient recovery. Your journey towards healing starts with knowledge.

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