After a traffic collision, a driver who has sustained injuries because the other driver was negligent will be entitled to compensation for those injuries. But some insurance companies try to avoid paying – or paying fully – for injury claims....
The neglect and abuse of nursing home residents is a growing epidemic. According to the National Institute of Justice, it is estimated that as many as 2.1 million elderly Americans suffer from nursing home abuse each year. Sadly, many cases...
If you have been injured due to another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. However, one important option to consider while seeking compensation is engaging a personal injury attorney. This post will discuss the...
The vast majority of personal injury cases are usually settled out of court. Even though it is unlikely that your case will go to trial, it is good what to expect in the event that yours does end up in...
Being a victim of burn accidents is not easy, and you may have to deal with life-long emotional distress, permanent cosmetic disfigurement, and severe pain. In most cases, patients will need long-term medical care. For example, skin grafts require multiple...
Personal injury compensation in Illinois covers both economic and non-economic damages. While lost wages and medical bills are easy to calculate, pain and suffering does not have a specific value. Only you can tell what you are going through since...