Road accidents are terrifying, so we must drive with extreme caution. Always wear your seat belt, maintain the speed limit, stay in your lane, wear helmets when riding bikes, and so on. The best way to avoid a car accident is to follow all of the rules that are in place to keep you safe. After all, we only have one life to live, and why not make the most of it? Unfortunately, car accidents happen daily due to poor driving habits, brake failure, defective auto parts, damaged road surfaces, or inclement weather conditions. You may sustain injuries in a car accident, ranging from minor scrapes and bruises to severe and permanent harm. There are many worst car crash injuries that you get from a car accident.
If you’ve been in an accident, seek a medical professional as soon as possible because injuries can vary widely. Some problems don’t manifest with any apparent symptoms until much later. Here, we’ll review some of the worst injuries most drivers and passengers have suffered in auto accidents. Consult our car accident attorneys at Phillips Law Offices if the driver of the struck vehicle is to blame. We can assist you in filing a suit, negotiating with the insurance company, and reaching a fair settlement.
Here are list of worst car crash injuries:
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
Traumatic Brain Injury is a critical condition often caused by car accidents. The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) estimates that more than 3.5 million people suffer a brain injury annually. The victim’s body could forcefully make contact with the windshield, steering wheel, or windows of a vehicle during the collision. As a result, the brain may move around/inside your skull enough during an accident with direct or indirect contact to cause a brain injury. Since the injury disrupts normal brain functioning, it might call for emergencies. You might head directly from the emergency room to the operating room for surgery. Even if your case is mild, it may cause a slight change in your mental state or consciousness. Traumatic brain injury is one of worst car accident injury that common.
Some brain injuries are so intense that they could cause unconsciousness, coma, paralysis, permanent disability, or even death. However, if detected early, most less severe injuries can undergo medical treatment and show considerable improvement. The overall impact depends on the extent of damage to your brain. A few head trauma symptoms are not evident immediately after a car accident. So, it is wise that you understand the signs of head trauma and seek medical attention without causing any delay. The signs and symptoms of head trauma caused by a car accident include the following:
- Headache
- Lethargy
- Nausea
- Breathing difficulties
- Slow breathing rate
- Confusion
- Numbness
- Inability to speak
- Blurred vision
- Dilated pupil
Spinal Cord Injuries
Among the most devastating injuries resulting from auto accidents are spinal cord injuries. Based on the severity of the damage, you might lose function or mobility in various body parts. It might affect the spinal cord itself or nearby organs and bones. As a result, many things can go wrong and adversely impact the signal exchange between the spinal cord and the brain. In extreme cases, it can result in complete and permanent paralysis. Surgery, medications, and physical therapy are some of the treatment options.
Misplaced bone fragments, disc ruptures, and spinal cord tears are common car accident injuries. The body loses many vital functions when nerves can not communicate with the brain due to injury.
Eventually, a spinal cord injury can affect the following:
- Bowel and bladder functionality.
- Metabolism
- Breathing.
- Heart rate
- Muscle movement
- Sensations.
- Reflexes.
Facial injuries
Injury to the face is intense because that area is most vulnerable to vehicle materials like flying glass and jagged, misplaced metal. It includes cuts and wounds, nosebleeds, broken noses, and injury to the eyes and airways. Some injuries combine painful fractures, deep skin abrasions, and intracranial hemorrhages. These facial injuries result in more severe problems that affect how an accident victim will fare. If not identified or promptly treated, it can prove fatal. Surgical intervention and reconstruction therapies might be necessary. Most of the time, even after treatment, victims have unsightly scars or disfigured appearances.
We recognize each other by our distinctive facial features, so injuries to our appearance can be among the most traumatic to experience. Sometimes, injuries like traumatic brain injuries (TBI) may coexist with them. These injuries could cause severe long-term effects and disabilities that force people and their families to make life-altering decisions. Even if the facial injury is mild, it is still crucial to seek medical attention to ensure the safest recovery possible. It can result in physical pain, a protracted healing process, intense and prolonged emotional trauma, and depression.
Neck and back injuries
The forceful impact of a car accident can severely injure your neck and back. It can happen because of an indirect or direct impact from seatbelts, car doors, steering wheels, or windows. Injuries to the neck and lower back can also result from being thrown from the car during an impact or colliding with objects inside or outside your vehicle. As a result, neck and back injuries are among the most common after a car accident. Even at slow speeds, several factors contribute to these conditions. The consequences can be long-term and painful, necessitating ongoing medical attention.
Though you can sustain injuries to any body part, the force of the crash often puts the most strain on your neck and back. If you experience back pain, pressure, or numbness following a car accident, seek a doctor immediately. It’s better to receive treatment timely rather than waiting for the condition to worsen. Whiplash is a common term for the abrupt back-and-forth movement of the head and neck during an accident. Any neck, back, or spine injuries brought on by sprains, tears, fractures, or herniated discs is whiplash. These injuries can become excruciatingly painful, affecting life quality significantly. Likewise, lumbar spine injuries, cervical dislocation, or spinal stenosis can occur due to car crashes.
Broken bones After Car Crash Injuries
The 206 bones that make up the human body are all susceptible to fracture in a car accident. Hands, arms, legs, wrists, hips, and shoulders are some of the bones that break most frequently in auto accidents. The impact or compression pressure from the vehicle could affect them. You might not feel anything with a hairline fracture because the sensation is too mild to notice. However, you can’t overlook a compound fracture as it tears the skin and causes acute pain. You should seek medical attention immediately if you experience the following symptoms after a car accident.
- Swelling, bruising, or tenderness close to the affected area
- Pain when moving that body part or putting weight on it
- Hear a creak or a snap when you move the injured body part
- Bleeding, broken skin, or discoloration around the bone
In a few critical cases, car accidents may cause amputations. For example, the accident could crush a limb or cause severe blood vessel damage. Without adequate blood flow, tissue in the affected bone could start to deteriorate, necessitating amputation. Amputation is one of the most severe injuries a car accident victim can sustain in the finger, toe, foot, leg, hand, or arm. When a person loses a body part in a car accident, their mobility, employment prospects, quality of active life, and emotional and mental health may all suffer.
Internal organ damage
Organ injuries such as the spleen, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder can be fatal after an accident because they do not produce noticeable symptoms to warn injured victims. Internal organ damage does not cause the same outward swelling and redness as muscle, skin, and bone injuries. However, these injuries are severe and pose catastrophic risks to victims of car accidents. It is because these injuries can quickly progress to more critical conditions. Even low-speed traffic collisions can cause severe internal bleeding.
Internal organ damage often necessitates immediate medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise, the damage can prove to be fatal. Seatbelts and organ punctures are the two most common causes of such problems. Seatbelts are unquestionably life-saving devices, but they can forcefully press against the abdomen during a car accident. As a result of the impact, your organs might sustain lacerations. Additionally, collisions can cause other bones, specifically ribs, to move or break. Injuries include damage to internal organs, hard-to-stop bleeding, or even death.
Emotional distress After Car Accident Injuries
Unfortunately, some of the terrible injuries sustained in automobile accidents go unnoticed. The unexpected mishap, resulting injuries, and property damage sustained can affect your mental health. It can cause a lot of anxiety, stress, and other types of emotional anguish and distress. Emotional damage can last long after a car accident, depending on the extent of the trauma. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common manifestation of this type of injury. If you suffered anxiety order because of your accident, you could even feel stressed by your day-to-day tasks. Flashbacks and trouble sleeping are also common symptoms of emotional distress.
Following a car accident, emotional distress can include anxiety about driving or getting into a car, panic attacks, or depression that reduces your ability to work or take self-care. Additionally, it can affect the entire body, manifesting as undue stress in the neck and back. In a legal context, a highly unpleasant or crippling emotional response brought on by the behavior of another party is emotional damage. Though diagnosing emotional distress is hard, it is still crucial to consider for overall health. Victims should seek treatment for emotional pain after an accident because these symptoms frequently worsen if left untreated. Generally, the law permits a person to seek financial restitution from another party whose actions cause them emotional harm.
Contact Our Car Crash Lawyer Today
As mentioned above, a car accident victim can suffer several car crash injuries. It may take years to heal, and sometimes the sufferer does not recover completely. The treatment is costly, hard to treat, and tends to leave a long-term impact. Hence, raise your voice to receive fair compensation for damages by hiring a qualified lawyer. You shouldn’t be required to pay for accident-related damages if you were not at fault. Every state has a different set of regulations governing car accident injuries, but attorneys are familiar with all of them. A proficient car crash attorney can help you build personal injury claims and file for compensation within a statutory deadline.
Injuries sustained in a car accident can range in severity from minor scrapes and bruises to paralysis or other long-term disabilities. Schedule an appointment at Phillips Law Offices to discuss the specifics of your case before filing claims. Your auto accident lawyer will determine an accurate estimate of your total damages after assessing your situation. The compensation value often includes medical expenses, punitive damages, pain and suffering, lost wages or reduced employment opportunities, and loss of affection. Besides examining the full extent of your damages, our attorney helps you understand your rights, gather evidence, and negotiate with insurance companies. Even if your case goes to court, we will be by your side throughout the ordeal.
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